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Omo Valley Experience Tours

Tour Package


With high-end 4×4 vehicles, fluent English, and extensive connections with the local tribes, operators, hotels, and guides, OVET is able to provide a one of a kind experience for any traveler seeking an authentic Ethiopian experience.

Many variations of tours are available, including locations, budget, duration, and comfort. Families or solo travelers alike can craft their dream tour with ease, starting from the moment they arrive at Addis Ababa International Airport.

omo valley

7 Days Omo Valley Tour

OMO VALLEY 7 DAYS ◐ TOUR CODE: OVET-101 ☀ DURATION: 7 DAYS ◐ TRANSPORTATION: LAND ☀ DESTINATION: ADDIS ABABA, ARBA MINCH, JINKA, TURMI & HAWASSA Day 1: On our first day we will drive from Addis Ababa to Arba Minch. During the drive, we will stop