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Ethiopian Bird Watching Tours 24 Days

Ethiopian Bird Watching Tours 24 Days

The highland escarpments form the most typical of Ethiopian habitats for birds and offer a number of species not found elsewhere in sub – Saharan Africa, like the Golden Eagle, Red-Billed Chough, and Ruddy Shelduck; other endemics include Rouget’s Rail and the Spot-breasted Lapwing. More than 50 species of birds inhabit the Simien Mountains National Park, including the impressive Bearded Vulture, or Lammergeyer, with its 10-foot (3m) wingspan. Bale Mountains National Park in the highlands is another popular birdwatchers’ paradise. The south of the country also affords superb birding opportunities with sought-after endemics like Prince Ruspoli’s Turaco, Degodi Larks, and Stresemann’s Bush Crow. October to December is the best month to come and have a look at various species of birds.

Day 1: Arrival at Addis Ababa Bole International airport. Overnight Hotel

Day 2: Explore Entoto forest and Gefersa artificial lake.  Overnight Hotel

Day 3: Depart towards Ankober for some endemic birds. Overnight Hotel

Day 4: Stay birding around Ankober and Jemma valley.  Overnight Hotel

Day 5: Drive back to Addis Ababa birding along the way. Overnight Hotel

Day 6: Journey towards the monastery of Debre Libanos.Overnight Hotel

Day 7: Head east to Awash Park birding while traveling. Overnight Hotel

Day 8: Full day birding in Awash Park and nearby areas. Overnight Hotel

Day 9: To Langano; afternoon visit lake Abiyata – Shalla. Overnight Hotel

Day 10: Journey to Dinsho set at the Bale Mountains. Overnight Camping

Day 11: Full day birding around Dinsho and Gaysay.  Overnight Camping

Day 12: Keep birding in Sanetti and Harenna forest.  Overnight Camping

Day 13: After mealtime in the camp drive back to Goba. Overnight Hotel

Day 14: Daytrip to Sofomar underground natural cave.  Overnight Hotel

Day 15: Head overland to Wendo Genet woodland zone. Overnight Hotel

Day 16: Birding around Wendo Genet wooded expanses. Overnight Hotel

Day 17: Head to the smallest rift valley Lake of Awassa.  Overnight Hotel

Day 18: Depart south to Yabello for some endemic birds. Overnight Hotel

Day 19: Full day birding around bushes area of Yabello.  Overnight Hotel

Day 20: Journey south to Negele; birding on the road. Overnight Camping

Day 21: Full day stay birding around Negele Borenna. Overnight Camping

Day 22: Depart to Yirgalem via the rolling Sidamo plains. Overnight Hotel

Day 23: Drive back to Addis Ababa passing the rift valley. Overnight Hotel

Day 24: Visit Addis Ababa; and then in the evening departure back to home.

This itinerary is flexible, and will likely change depending on your choice and schedule


Accommodation as per the program based on twin or double room

All transfer in and transfer out services

Ground transportation

Local guides and Scout If needed

All entrance fees as per the program

Internal flight tickets

Breakfast, lunch & Dinner


Any alcoholic drinks

Any videography or camera fees if needed

Any personal expenses like internet, telephone, fax

Services that are not mentioned in the included section